Flotech Controls


iSOLV is a proprietary brand developed by Flotech, offering customised solutions in flow measurement, level measurement, distance measurement with ultrasonic and radar technology, pressure measurement, energy measurement, process analysers, etc. With experience and expertise garnered over more than two decades in industrial process instrumentation, controls and communication, Flotech has built up strong capabilities in application engineering and integrated system solutions.

Flotech is committed to iSOLV, and will continue to invest in the research and development of quality, reliable and rapidly deployable solutions.

Our Products

flow measurement

Flow Measurement

Electromagnetic / Ultrasonic / Coriolis Mass / Positive Displacement / Variable Area / Open Channel

Level Measurement

Radar / Level Switch / Magnetic Float Indicator / Ultrasonic / Digital Gauge

Pressure Measurement

Gauge / Differential / Absolute Pressure Transmitters

Process Analyser

pH / Conductivity / Concentration / Turbidity / Chlorine

Energy Measurement

BTU Measurement System / AHU / FCU / Chiller Application

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